Source code for align_traj_on_density

.. codeauthor: Niklaus Johner <>

This module is used to align trajectories on a density. It was designed 
for complex lipidic phases such as the lipid cubic phase. It maximizes the overlap
of a selection of atoms with a reference density while minimizing the overlap
of a second selection with that same density. Typically the reference density is water.
  import time
  import math
  import numpy as npy
  import scipy
  from scipy import optimize
  import density_alg,file_utilities
  print 'module needs time, math, numpy, scipy and scipy.optimize and density_alg modules but could not import them'
import os  
from ost import *


def _sign(x):
  if x>=0.0:return 1.
  else: return -1.
[docs]def TransformViewWithPeriodicBoundaries(view,x,cell_center=None,ucell_size=None,ucell_angles=None,group_res=False,follow_bonds=False): """ This function applies the transformation given in x to the **view**. If specified it will warp the transformed **view** using the periodic cell information. To make it more stable, we translate the system to the origin, then do the rotation, translate back and then add the current translation. WARNING: the translational part of x is multiplied by 10 before applying (meaning x[:3] should be given in [nm])!! PBC are applied before the rotation is made. :param view: The view to which the transformation will be applied :param x: An array of 6 floats. The 3 first ones are the translation in nm and the 3 last ones the rotation angles. :param cell_center: Center of the unit cell around which **view** will get wrapped :param ucell_size: Sizes of the unit cell vectors :param ucell_angles: Angles of the unit cell vectors :param group_res: Whether residues whould be maintained whole when wrapping :param follow_bonds: If **group_res** is set to true, some residues might still get split if they extend over more than half of the unit cell. If **follow_bonds** is set to *True*, then the topology will be used to ensure that all residues are properly wrapped. This will slow down the wrapping. :type view: :class:`~ost.mol.EntityView` :type x: :class:`tuple` (:class:`float`,:class:`float`,:class:`float`,:class:`float`,:class:`float`,:class:`float`) :type cell_center: :class:`~ost.geom.Vec3` :type ucell_size: :class:`~ost.geom.Vec3` :type ucell_angles: :class:`~ost.geom.Vec3` :type group_res: :class:`bool` :type follow_bonds: :class:`bool` """ eh=view.handle edi=eh.EditXCS() ID=geom.Mat4() edi.SetTransform(ID) TT=geom.Mat4() TT.PasteTranslation(10*geom.Vec3(x[0],x[1],x[2])) R=geom.Rotation3(x[3],x[4],x[5]) TR=geom.Mat4() TR.PasteRotation(R.GetRotationMatrix()) #We center the residues in the cell before the transformation edi.SetTransform(TT) if (cell_center and ucell_size and ucell_angles): mol.alg.WrapEntityInPeriodicCell(eh,cell_center,ucell_size,ucell_angles,group_res=group_res,follow_bonds=follow_bonds) edi.SetTransform(ID) TCM=geom.Mat4() TCM.PasteTranslation(-view.GetCenterOfAtoms()) TCM2=geom.Mat4() TCM2.PasteTranslation(view.GetCenterOfAtoms()) edi.SetTransform(TT*TCM2*TR*TCM) return
def _CalculateDensityOverlapScore(x,den_map,view1,view2=None,box_center=None,ucell_size=None,ucell_angles=None): t1=time.time() TransformViewWithPeriodicBoundaries(view1,x,box_center,ucell_size,ucell_angles) vl=mol.alg.GetPosListFromView(view1) if not view2: return -mol.alg.CalculateAverageAgreementWithDensityMap(vl,den_map) else: do=mol.alg.CalculateAverageAgreementWithDensityMap(vl,den_map) vl2=mol.alg.GetPosListFromView(view2) do2=mol.alg.CalculateAverageAgreementWithDensityMap(vl2,den_map) return do2-do def _PrintX(x): print 'current solution:',x,time.time() def FindWithinBox(eh,xmin,xmax): """ Selects everything from **eh** within a box delimited by **xmin** and **xmax** :param eh: The :class:`~ost.mol.EntityHandle` or :class:`~ost.mol.EntityView` from which the selection will be made :param xmin: min corner of the box :param xmax: max corner of the box :type eh: :class:`~ost.mol.EntityView` :type xmin: :class:`~ost.geom.Vec3` :type xmax: :class:`~ost.geom.Vec3` :return: Selection of all atoms in the box :rtype: :class:`~ost.mol.EntityView` """ sele='x>'+str(xmin[0])+' and y>'+str(xmin[1])+' and z>'+str(xmin[2]) sele+=' and x<'+str(xmax[0])+' and y<'+str(xmax[1])+' and z<'+str(xmax[2]) return eh.Select(sele) def _TestPBC(t,PBC,cell_center): #Verify that we have all we need for the periodic boundary conditions if (PBC and not cell_center): print 'You have to provide a cell center around which all the frames will get wrapped' return False if (PBC): if any(t.GetFrame(i).GetCellSize()==geom.Vec3() for i in range(t.GetFrameCount())): print 'cell size is 0 for some frames' return False if any(t.GetFrame(i).GetCellAngles()==geom.Vec3() for i in range(t.GetFrameCount())): print 'cell angles are 0 for some frames' return False return True
[docs]def AlignTrajectoryOnDensity(t,density_map,water_sele,not_water_sele=None,initial_translation=None,PBC=True,cell_center=None,skip_first=True): """ This function Aligns a trajectory on a density. It was designed to align trajectories of complex lipidic phases such as the lipid cubic phase. It maximizes the overlap of a selection of atoms (water_sele) with the density (density_map) while minimizing the overlap of a second selection (not_water_sele) with that same density. Typically the reference density is water. :param t: The trajectory :param density_map: The density used to align the trajectory :param water_sele: Selection string for the EntityView whose overlap with the density is maximized. If not set, density_sele is used. :param not_water_sele: Selection string for the EntityView whose overap with the density is minimized. :param initial_translation: Translation applied before generating the density :param PBC: Use of periodic boundary conditions on the entity during alignment :param cell_center: center of the cell for wrapping the entity during alignment :param skip_first: Only apply initial_translation to the first frame, no optimization :type t: :class:`~ost.mol.CoordGroupHandle` :type density_map: :class:`~ost.img.ImageHandle` :type water_sele: :class:`str` :type not_water_sele: :class:`str` :type initial_translation: :class:`~ost.geom.Vec3` :type PBC: :class:`bool` :type cell_center: :class:`~ost.geom.Vec3` :type skip_first: :class:`bool` """ if not _TestPBC(t,PBC,cell_center):return None eh=t.GetEntity() print 'number of frames to align',t.GetFrameCount() xmin_list=[] x=scipy.zeros(6) if initial_translation: for i in range(3):x[i]=initial_translation[i]/10. t0=time.time() if not PBC: ucell_size=None ucell_angles=None for i in range(t.GetFrameCount()): t1=time.time() t.CopyFrame(i) f=t.GetFrame(i) if PBC: ucell_size=f.GetCellSize() ucell_angles=f.GetCellAngles() not_waters=eh.Select(not_water_sele) waters=eh.Select(water_sele) print 'frame',i,'out of',t.GetFrameCount(),'number of W',waters.GetAtomCount(),'number of not W',not_waters.GetAtomCount() if not(skip_first and i==0): xmin=optimize.fmin_powell(_CalculateDensityOverlapScore,x,args=(density_map,waters,not_waters,cell_center,ucell_size,ucell_angles),maxiter=20,full_output=True,maxfun=2000,disp=False,callback=None) x=xmin[0] xmin_list.append(xmin) print 'frame',i,'finale solution',x,'time for convergence',int(time.time()-t1),'seconds' TransformViewWithPeriodicBoundaries(waters,x,cell_center,ucell_size,ucell_angles) t.Capture(i) eh.SetTransform(geom.Transform()) print 'total time',int(time.time()-t0),'seconds' xmin=[] if skip_first: if initial_translation:xmin.append(npy.array([initial_translation[0]/10.,initial_translation[1]/10.,initial_translation[2]/10.,0.0,0.0,0.0])) else:xmin.append(npy.array([0.,0.,0.,0.0,0.0,0.0])) xmin.extend([xi[0] for xi in xmin_list]) return xmin
[docs]def AlignTrajectoryOnFirstFrame(t,density_sele,water_sele=None,not_water_sele=None,initial_translation=None,PBC=True\ ,cell_center=None,outdir=None,filename_basis='',density_margin=0,density_cutback=False,\ density_sampling=1,low_pass_filter_level=10,io_profile=None): """ This function Aligns a trajectory on the density generated from its first frame. It was designed to align trajectories of complex lipidic phases such as the lipid cubic phase. It maximizes the overlap of a selection of atoms (water_sele) with the density of a selection (density_sele), genreated from the first frame, while minimizing the overlap of a second selection (not_water_sele) with that same density. Typically the reference density is water. :param t: The trajectory :param density_sele: Selection string used to select the atoms for the generation of the density :param water_sele: Selection string for the EntityView whose overlap with the density is maximized. If not set, density_sele is used. :param not_water_sele: Selection string for the EntityView whose overap with the density is minimized. :param initial_translation: Translation applied before generating the density :param PBC: Use of periodic boundary conditions on the entity during alignment :param cell_center: Center of the cell for wrapping the entity during alignment :param outdir: Path to the output directory for saving files (densities, aligned trajectory). If not set, files will not be saved. :param filename_basis: basis name used for all the files being saved :param density_margin: size by which the Entity gets extended (using PBCs) before generating the density :param density_cutback: If True, the density is cutback after generation to its initial size (previous to the extension by density_margin) :param density_sampling: The sampling in real space for the density (# of points per Angstrom). :param low_pass_filter_level: The density gets filtered after generation by a low pass filter with this level in Angstrom. :param io_profile: Profile used to save PDB and dcd files. :type t: :class:`~ost.mol.CoordGroupHandle` :type density_sele: :class:`str` :type water_sele: :class:`str` :type not_water_sele: :class:`str` :type initial_translation: :class:`~ost.geom.Vec3` :type PBC: :class:`bool` :type cell_center: :class:`~ost.geom.Vec3` :type outdir: :class:`str` :type filename_basis: :class:`str` :type density_margin: :class:`float` :type density_cutback: :class:`bool` :type density_sampling: :class:`float` :type low_pass_filter_level: :class:`float` :type io_profile: :class:`` """ eh=t.GetEntity() t.CopyFrame(0) if not cell_center:cell_center=eh.GetCenterOfAtoms() if not _TestPBC(t,PBC,cell_center):return None if not io_profile:io_profile=io.IOProfile(dialect='CHARMM',fault_tolerant=True) if not water_sele:water_sele=density_sele if PBC: ucell_size=t.GetFrame(0).GetCellSize() ucell_angles=t.GetFrame(0).GetCellAngles() mol.alg.WrapEntityInPeriodicCell(eh,cell_center,ucell_size,ucell_angles,False) if initial_translation: T=geom.Transform() T.SetTrans(initial_translation) eh.SetTransform(T) cell_center=cell_center+initial_translation if outdir:io.SavePDB(eh,os.path.join(outdir,filename_basis+'first_frame_centered_wrapped.pdb'),profile=io_profile) density_view=eh.Select(density_sele) ucell_vecs=t.GetFrame(0).GetCellVectors() den_map=density_alg.CreateDensityMapFromEntityView(density_view,density_sampling,5,density_margin,cell_center,ucell_vecs,density_cutback) den_map_filtered=den_map.Apply(img.alg.LowPassFilter(low_pass_filter_level)) eh.SetTransform(geom.Transform()) if outdir: io.SaveMap(den_map_filtered,os.path.join(outdir,filename_basis+'density_first_frame_filtered.mrc')) io.SaveMap(den_map,os.path.join(outdir,filename_basis+'density_first_frame.mrc')) xmin=AlignTrajectoryOnDensity(t,den_map_filtered,water_sele,not_water_sele,initial_translation,PBC,cell_center,skip_first=True) if outdir: t.CopyFrame(0) io.SaveCHARMMTraj(t,os.path.join(outdir,filename_basis+'aligned_trajectory.pdb'),\ os.path.join(outdir,filename_basis+'aligned_trajectory.dcd'),profile=io_profile) file_utilities.WriteListOfListsInLines(['x1','x2','x3','r1','r2','r3'],xmin,os.path.join(outdir,filename_basis+'aligned_trajectory_transformations.txt')) return xmin
[docs]def WrapTransformedView(eh,x,cell_center,ucell_size,ucell_angles,group_res=False,follow_bonds=False): """ This function allows to apply periodic boundaries on a view that has been transformed. It will apply the inverse of the rotation, then wrap around the rotated cell_center, and finally reapply the rotation. """ eh=eh.handle edi=eh.EditXCS() ID=geom.Mat4() edi.SetTransform(ID) R=geom.Rotation3(x[3],x[4],x[5]) RI=geom.Rotation3(geom.Invert(R.GetRotationMatrix())) TR=geom.Mat4() TR.PasteRotation(RI.GetRotationMatrix()) edi.SetTransform(TR) mol.alg.WrapEntityInPeriodicCell(eh,RI.Apply(cell_center),ucell_size,ucell_angles,group_res=group_res,follow_bonds=follow_bonds) edi.SetTransform(ID) return